What is Human Futurology and the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB)?

What is Human Futurology and the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB)?

Here, I explain the new and exciting field of research which I call Human Futurology, and how it can be applied to identify timelines for personal and professional opportunity and risk.

When neurotypical people see numbers, they see a singular value, which is understandable because numbers are used to signify simple units like what the price of something is. So people are conditioned to make sense of numbers as isolated units of information. But I can’t help thinking that this leads to siloed thinking.

Take the number 47. To most people, the number 47 is exactly that, 47, which on a number line comes before 48 and after 46.

As a neurodivergent, when I see 47, I see a 4 and a 7 and when I combine them, I get 11, which in turn renders sequence 11//2 because 11 = 1+1 = 2. I have no idea why I do this, but whenever I see numbers, I just start adding them to create an information sequence. It’s like combining individual letters to give a word, which has meaning, only I use numbers. A neurotypical would see 115, whereas I would see 1+1+5 = 7 and so in my world, the number 115 would become sequence 115//7 and therein would lie a deeper or hidden meaning for me.

What is Human Futurology, Intelligent Mathematical Blue Print, IMB, Number Sequences, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Superdeterminism, Advanced NumerologyWhen I discovered numerology in 2009, I suddenly started to think about what happens when numbers collide. I made an analogy with basic chemistry. Every life form on earth depends on water. Water is formed when 2 atoms of hydrogen (H) are covalently bonded with one atom of oxygen (O). This is expressed with the molecular formula H20.

Stay with me! The most important thing to know is that every time two atoms of hydrogen are covalently bonded with one atom of oxygen, the result is one molecule of water. When repeated, it always delivers the same result. I couldn’t help but apply this same theory to number sequences.

For more than a decade, my fascination with this led me to a test-and-learn research process, to uncover some absolute rules when numbers combine. I call this research ‘human futurology’, and I call the formulaic methodology which I am developing, the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB).

What is the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB)?

My goal is to develop the IMB so that it can identify certain number combinations that reveal predictive intelligence, so accurate that it is considered a robust, scientific indicator of future risk and reward moments in a person’s life.

While the IMB is far too complex to summarise in an introductory article like this one, below I aim to give a flavour of how it works, with some examples of basic number sequences I work with, which unlock initial clues into likely life events or characteristics.

How do you get the starting numbers for an individual?

First, it should be noted that the premise of human futurology – and indeed numerology, within which my research has its roots – lies in the belief that events in our lives are predetermined. The idea is that there is an intelligent and complex design to our lives. When we are born, things lock together into a sophisticated maths matrix. While you can’t change what happens in your life path, you can change how you handle it and that’s where knowledge and understanding of your numerical sequences come in.

Before you think I’m away with the fairies, there are an increasing number of eminent scientists, academics and public figures who subscribe to this theory. For example, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, Melvin Vopson, recently claimed his science research pointed to evidence that we are all characters in an advanced virtual world. You can read a news story about it here. Also a strand of quantum physics known as ‘superdeterminism’, is gathering pace among physicists. A great article in New Scientist Magazine recently covered this here.

Based on this premise, the data I need to analyse an individual’s IMB is their birth date and birth name. Let’s apply the basics to a case study.

Analysing the IMB of Elon Musk

What is Human Futurology, Intelligent Mathematical Blue Print, IMB, Number Sequences, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Superdeterminism, Advanced Numerology

Elon Musk’s date of birth is 28/06/1971

 My first ‘clue’ comes from adding up the total date of birth (28+6+1971) = 2005

  • Then, I add up these numbers: 2+0+0+5 = 7
  • This gives me a ‘life path sequence’ of 2005//7

The number 7, according to numerology principles, is linked to a curious, introspective, enquiring mind, that seeks to reveal and understand profound truths through logical critical thinking. So a number 7 ‘lifepath experience’ indicates a life journey of spiritual discovery underpinned by the above traits.

  • I get another clue by adding up his birth year (1+9+7+1) = 18
  • Then I add, 8 + 1 = 9.
  • This gives me a ‘birth year sequence’ of 18//9

In numerology, the number 1 signifies independence, innovation, thought leadership and original creation. The number 8 signifies business, power, control, legacy and balancing the material and spiritual realms. The number 9 is about universal consciousness, philanthropy, compassion and providing humanitarian services. But I consider the sequence 18//9 as a whole, rather than the individual numbers, so I see the characteristics of these different numbers in relation to each other.

Sequence 18//9, therefore is 8 (power, control, authority, money, finances, wealth etc.) expressing itself through 1 (the individual, innovation, original creation, independence, entrepreneurship etc.), to deliver the outcome or experience of 9 (something that benefits humanity, serves others, enables philanthropy, humanitarianism, helps foster greater universal consciousness etc.). When we interpret it this way, can you now see how this explains how Elon Musk operates at “career level”?

How is all this different to numerology?

My calculations and decoding go far deeper! Numerology typically reduces birth dates and names to a single digit, to deduce personal characteristics of that individual.

While this is helpful, it is limiting. For example, traditional numerology would calculate a ‘personal attainment’ number for Elon Musk, simply by adding his birth month and day, and reducing them until we get to a single digit: 28 + 06 = 34. 3 + 4 = 7. This number ‘7’ is then taken to make predictions about his personal characteristics.

You could think of numerology as a little like astrology, which gives generalised ‘readings’. My human futurology research would be the equivalent – in astrologers’ terms – of pages and pages of chart analysis looking at exact time of birth. I think of human futurology as a highly advanced, applied version of numerology. When understood, it gifts us future intelligence on our personal life timelines. Whilst the above ‘7’ for Elon Musk provides intriguing baseline intelligence, the ‘34’ from which 7 is derived, reveals that the most critical attainment period in his life will be linked with the years 2032 (because 2032 = 2+0+3+2 = 7) to 2034 (from the original calculation of 34).

Number sequences and combinations and what they mean

The most significant thing about my Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint methodology is that it works with number sequences, not just single digits. And here comes the complexity. When I see number sequences, it means I can keep the analysis going, decoding ever more layers. As well as the ‘personal attainment’ number of traditional numerology, I calculate ‘professional attainment’ and ‘emotional attainments’ plus lots more.

For example, let’s go one layer deeper into Elon Musk’s numerical codes by looking at his ‘soul urge number’ – another key internal driver which is important to understand.

It is calculated through adding the vowels in his name. The letters of the alphabet are assigned a number between 1-9, repeating as we go through the 26 letters. See the table below to see which letters are assigned which numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
What is Human Futurology, Intelligent Mathematical Blue Print, IMB, Number Sequences, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Superdeterminism, Advanced Numerology

Traditional numerology calculates the soul urge number as a single digit, but I present it as a sequence.

  • Elon Musk = 5(E)+6(O)+3(U) = 14.
  • 1 + 4 = 5.

So in basic numerology, his soul urge is 5. This means he thrives internally on adrenaline, adventure, pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo.

But because of the way I look at sequences, I portray this as a sequence: 14//5. This means that whenever 14//5 appears in a timeline in my modelled data (shown in the table below), it reveals that his deepest internal urge is surfacing in these years.

The table below shows the first stages of how I model data into a timeline. The column in red shows where I’ve modelled his sequences on his three names. And the column in blue shows where I’ve mapped it with his two names (his ‘call name’ that is used more frequently in everyday).

It’s a bit complex to explain this whole table in one article, but the main point to note is that this is where the massive difference in sophistication of my IMB data-modelling versus traditional numerology is evident. In the left hand column, I write down someone’s life path in years from birth to age 90. Then I look for the years when the sequence 14//5 is coded. Numerologists do not use sequences like this, nor do they mathematically model data, nor do they work in multiple dimensions.

What is Human Futurology, Intelligent Mathematical Blue Print, IMB, Number Sequences, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Superdeterminism, Advanced Numerology

As you may be able to see, the years identified as Elon Musk’s peak performance years – with this 14//5 sequence – are: 1994, 2011–2013, 2017, 2021, 2023–2024, 2036–2037, 2042–2044 and 2051.

And guess what? In 2012 his personal rocket became the first private vehicle to dock with the International Space Station. In June 2017, he hit the headlines again for outlining his plans to colonize Mars. And, in October 2021 Elon Musk was reported to be the first man in history to cross the $200 billion net worth mark.

What else can the IMB reveal?

What is Human Futurology, Intelligent Mathematical Blue Print, IMB, Number Sequences, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Superdeterminism, Advanced NumerologyThe above explains merely a taster of what the IMB can unravel. When I apply a full IMB analysis, I spend days on it, because first, there is the data modelling and mapping and then there’s the interpretation. Then there’s more mapping for number number combinations which emerge. I use more than 20 sheets of an Excel spreadsheet which all feed into one another and ultimately tap into the past, present and future code-driven intelligence!

Traditional numerologists work with 20 data points at most. The most common ones are lifepath number, personal attainment number, the expression number, pinnacles, soul urge number, personality number, hidden passion number, personal challenge number, key life (karmic) lesson numbers, and the subconscious self number.

But without sequences, you can’t go into the individual blueprint – only a generic one. If you have only one number to play with, it means all the people born on a certain day of the month would share the same datapoint so that’s quite macro. In my work, these traditional datapoints are just the tip of the iceberg. I first establish these datapoints to give me ‘clues’, but I view them as building blocks in much more sophisticated number sequences, almost like pin codes.

Once I’ve expanded all this detail into a timeline, using the ‘clues’ I mention above, and identified critical years in a person’s journey. I can then take things a step further. I then mathematically model a person’s life journey into a 4D datablock using a process of ‘triangulation’. This is where I can see how sequences for different years feed into each other.

Analysing sequences through Triangulation

On a simple level, triangulation works on two ‘known’ points and two ‘unknown’ points. The two ‘knowns’ gift the insights into the one ‘unknown’. For example, with Elon Musk:

  1. Birth day = 28 (known)
  2. Birth month = 6 (known)
  3. Personal Attainment = 28+6 = 34//7 (unknown, until you added the ‘knowns’ – 1 and 2)

So I know there will be a critical importance of 34//7 for Elon Musk, so I can also look out for years where 34//7 will appear in the timeline of his life. However, if you look at the table above, you will notice that nowhere does 34//7 appear!

This is because 34 is not possible because his three names are short so the value we get to by adding the vowels doesn’t reach 34. So, I now look for a lower ‘octave’ of the number 7 (other combinations of numbers which add up to 7, to give a sequence ending in 7). For example: 25//7, 16//7 and 7//7.

When I scan the table above, I see there is no 25//7 either, therefore I look for 16//7 and 7//7 and there are quite a few years where these appear such as 2029 and 2030, when interestingly, both columns give a sequence ending in 7, making these years doubly significant.

The next thing I do in this process of triangulation is add Red, Amber, Green (RAG) status indicators to significant years that I have identified. Red indicates an “intense experience” (this could be positive, or negative). Amber indicates a year where caution is needed (as in medium risk), and green marks the years where numbers converge positively, indicating a positive opportunity. Below you will see how I’ve built on the table above, using triangulation, adding the RAG status indicators to Elon Musk’s lifepath.

What is Human Futurology, Intelligent Mathematical Blue Print, IMB, Number Sequences, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical, Superdeterminism, Advanced Numerology

I appreciate this may look complex and you may not understand it by looking at it. But to me decoding numbers, spotting the triangulation sequences comes so naturally!

Triangulation is the foundational logic of my human futurology research. That’s why Pythagoras, the father of numerology, loved triangles. He said that when one known is linked with another known it delivers a creative outcome (3). That’s why everything happens in threes. And that’s why the genius Nicola Tesla said that 3, 6 and 9 are the foundational elements of the universe and when understood, unlock genius.

I can advance the matrix of intelligent data of an individual in 22 dimensions! But I rarely go there because few clients ever ask for such detail.

What I am the most proud of, is that my human futurology research has transformed numerology as it is known, whose insights are interesting and anecdotal, into something more mathematically robust and strategically relevant.

I firmly believe that human futurology will become a recognised applied science. It has the potential to help individuals make the most of their lives by giving them an informed view of what their future looks like. It enables them to recognise the years which are ripe for starting new projects or when to be cautious in the years that indicate challenges. It has the potential to help businesses identify human risk – for example by guiding on whether the timing is right to hire a particular new CEO or for investors to invest in a particular founder.

An IMB analysis would never discourage an employer from continuing to employ someone. On the contrary, it flags up when an employee or leader may need some additional support, and when it is safe to give them autonomy on a special project and see it fly.

For more case studies of how we’ve applied the IMB, visit our case-studies page


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