There is so Much More to you than Meets the Eye!

If you desire to really understand your Authentic Self, then there is no better way than to tap into the astonishing power of Human Futurology, a brand-new futuristic life sciences research field being developed by Chris Styles and Suzanne Styles.

Understand your Authentic Self: Who am I?

On the 23rd of November 2017, Alannagh Kelly writes in Meaningful Life, that: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”- Carl Jung. This quote sums up the importance of growing into your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you truly are as a person, regardless of your occupation, regardless of the influence of others, it is an honest representation of you. To be authentic means not caring what others think about you. This may sometimes lead to you standing out from the crowd. To be authentic is to be true to yourself through your thoughts, words and actions. It means being able to sacrifice any relationship, situation or circumstance that diverges from your truth. For example, if you are in a job or relationship that does not make you happy or makes you act differently to who you truly are, you leave it. However, this is easier said than done. It is a difficult task to define your authentic self because you don’t just have one self; there are multiple versions of who you are. There is the self you are at work, the self you are with your best friend, the self you are with your family and the self you are with strangers. These “invented selves” are normal, and it’s something we all do to some degree. Authenticity is not about expressing your opinions all the time without filters- it’s about confidentiality knowing what those opinions are. Being authentic isn’t just about being honest, it’s also about being self-aware, being humble, and taking feedback from others. It is about answering the question- “Who am I?”.

: understand your authentic self, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, human futurists, human futurology, strategic futurists, futuristic life sciences, Thinking Into Results, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint

Numerology For Women wants every Woman to be Thinking Into Great Results

Developing on this “Who am I?” theme and in terms of what is out there to help you to understand your authentic self, Numerology for Women writes: “If something is not expanding, it is shrinking and given how fast our hugely unpredictable world is changing right now, we women must be constantly expanding ourselves so that we can cope better, especially with uncertainty and change. Given this, it is imperative for every woman today to critically think of her life in a strategic sense (to if you will, start really thinking into results, great practical NEW results). Gone are the days of being laissez-faire, of passively waiting for your “Who Am I? I really want to understand my authentic self” answers to arrive. If you desire to be successful, both personally and professionally, then you need shift from passive to active and this means you need to develop intelligent and practical life supporting strategies that will help deliver the successes you seek.”

So how does one Develop such Life Success supporting Strategies?

Know and remember this: The fastest way for you to understand your authentic self and develop life success supporting strategies is through understanding your Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. This blueprint, which has well over 100 critically important pieces of information to help you understand your authentic self, is best developed by a professional human futurologist. Thing is, the strategic genius of your IMB, does not end there! Chris and Suzanne Styles spent many years doing intensive research to create a bespoke numerical matrix which lists within it, lines of experiential code – your unique code! These lines of code demystify and practically explain everything that happened in your past, connect with why your present is as it is, and provide you with astonishingly accurate clues as to what you are most likely going to be experiencing in the future. They have developed this matrix into 4D, as in personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical and professional emotional. The upshot of this is next level strategic intelligence as well as improved future planning and personal risk management. They are almost finished with the upgraded 6D version of the model which brings what to do to balance your life into the sequencing.

: understand your authentic self, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, human futurists, human futurology, strategic futurists, futuristic life sciences, Thinking Into Results, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint

Are you Ready to Understand your Authentic Self and engage with Next Level Life Science?

The Styles’ “How Your Life Works” matrix will reveal moments along your life path which are coded around change, struggle, marriage, pregnancy, birth, divorce, success, failure, happiness, conflict, illness, career shifts, karmic debt collection and karmic lessons being presented, hidden passions surfacing, legal issues etc. Believe it or not, and here is a reality check for you, their detailed research case studies and predictive modelling has proven over-and-over again, that your life and all its events are not nearly as random as you might want to believe.

Chris and Suzanne Styles, strategic thinking consulting, strategic thinking consultants, human futurology, predicting the future, human futurists, predicting the future, entrepreneurial futuristsCertain well-educated professional men and women have told us that what we do is rubbish. They have cried when our life path calculations have revealed the births of their children, the deaths of their parents, the collapse of their businesses, loss of jobs, moments of tremendous success etc. That is when they sit up and start to pay attention, because how can this be? We have gone so far as to also map the numbers for a successful construction business. Within that company’s matrix, at exactly the right moment in time, sits its sale and the change of ownership. If you still think this is ‘away-with-the-fairies’ stuff, then you need to think again because it is a complete game change! If you want to understand your authentic self and get to grips with your life in a way you never ever imagined possible, then talk to us right away!Chris and Suzanne Styles, strategic thinking consulting, strategic thinking consultants, human futurology, predicting the future, human futurists, predicting the future, entrepreneurial futurists – Chris and Suzanne Styles, Strategic Human Futurists
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understand your authentic self

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

: understand your authentic self, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, human futurists, human futurology, strategic futurists, futuristic life sciences, Thinking Into Results, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint

Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay

: understand your authentic self, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, human futurists, human futurology, strategic futurists, futuristic life sciences, Thinking Into Results, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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