What if we Told you that Every Human has an Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint?

The applied science and art of futurist predictions enters a whole new dimension when leaders boldly embrace human futurology revelations. Human Futurology is a term coined by strategic futurists Chris and Suzanne Styles, entrepreneurs who pour every ounce of their energy into unlocking new strategic insights around how to optimise future human potential.

Nikolas Badmington wrote this in Futurist.com on the 25th of November 2020: Futurists are often quick to say we don’t ‘predict’ things and that we “analyze trends” or “develop foresight”. But in reality we do in fact often ‘speculate’ on the future. Since 1760 or so the Industrial revolutions that have thrust society and culture forward (mostly, and in terms of business and evolution of the human race) have done so through advancements in Energy, Transportation, and Communications. And, through the combination of two or all of them. Today, we’ve been thrust into the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ where everything is connected and exponential (shouting that out for the fanboys/girls/folx waving their arms in the direction of the absolute, technocratic future). But we have a problem. Many will be left behind in this technological revolution. Many will profit from closing that gap. And everyone has experienced the abject failure of this trajectory in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the failure in our industrial complex in a chaotic way across all cultures and places on the planet. Energy, Transportation, Communications (and info-demics), food supply, healthcare and support for the vulnerable, schooling, policing, Equality and equity, democracy, globalization and so much more has been shaken and we’re seeing change across these in complex and challenging ways. I’m suggesting that we must recognize a fourth dimension of change in our industrial trajectory and an abandonment of the term ‘industrial revolution’ in favour of human revolution – or, INFINITE HUMANITY as I like to call it. The dimension we must consider is biology/ecology – the evolution of living organisms and the interactions among them and their biophysical environment.

science and art of futurist predictions, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Strategic Futurists, Human Futurists, Futurology, Futurist Coaching, Futurism, Futuristic Research

People are Way More Complex than you Could ever Imagine!

What a heading – people are way more complex than you could ever imagine! Thing is, it is the truth, and when it comes down to the applied science and art of futurist predictions, the human element is almost always left out of the strategic thinking exercise in favour of integrated systems, technology, MI, AI etc. Pause for a moment to ask yourself why this is so? Why, are humans, at the individual level (as in “ME and I matter”), actively excluded from the applied science and art of futurist predictions? The answer is incredibly simple. Nobody understands how to intelligently take a view of a person’s future. If they did, the way strategic futurists work and think today, would be completely different! There is now multiple case study driven evidence that every human being alive, including you, has an Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB] which when understood, and aligned with (think Authentic Self), takes human potential into a completely different dimension.

If your organisation desires to create a quantum leap around understanding the bespoke human potential within each person who is part of your work family, and if you desire to convert that newfound knowledge into astonishing results, then talk to us about the transformational human futurology work we do.

“365 Pin Code’s intelligence and numerical profiling techniques will reveal to you more about yourself than you know right now or ever dreamed possible. Whilst you may think this to be utter nonsense, know this – every client we have worked with 1-on-1 has been left breathless at how accurate their numbers are and how much their numbers reveal about their lives, past, present, and future. It is this incredibly powerful knowledge which shifts them from much confusion to true knowing, from being lost in the woodwork to pursuing purposeful endeavours, from trying to blend and fit in to finding their authentic colourful self, from searching for answers externally to authentically connecting with their greatest internal truths.” Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders: 365 Pin Code

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science and art of futurist predictions, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Strategic Futurists, Human Futurists, Futurology, Futurist Coaching, Futurism, Futuristic Research

Image by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay

science and art of futurist predictions, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Strategic Futurists, Human Futurists, Futurology, Futurist Coaching, Futurism, Futuristic Research

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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