What does the future have in store for CEO Peter Steenkamp and the Future of Harmony Gold? Given the shocking politically fuelled civil unrest, couldn’t care less ANC leadership and unfathomable socio-economic chaos that is sweeping through South Africa right now, this CEO Futurology and Harmony Gold Shares analysis, seeks to understand whether holding on to HAR shares is a sensible short to medium term strategy or not. Let us begin by saying [...]
Everything you need to know sits within your numbers! When it comes to your bespoke adaptability quotient, know, and remember this: 365 Pin Code Research and Development will help you understand how to practically improve and better manage your AQ in a post Covid-19 world. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin Step aside [...]
Niklas Boström: Physics, Computational Neuroscience, Mathematical Logic and Philosophy Human Futurology Research – believe it or not, here is the 4D life path map (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) of Professor Niklas Boström. These lines of annual experiential code are bulls-eye accurate and form the core of the analytical work we are conducting into better understanding (and predicting!) the future, at individual human level. “Far from being the smartest possible [...]
There is so Much More to you than Meets the Eye! If you desire to really understand your Authentic Self, then there is no better way than to tap into the astonishing power of Human Futurology, a brand-new futuristic life sciences research field being developed by Chris Styles and Suzanne Styles. Understand your Authentic Self: Who am I? On the 23rd of November 2017, Alannagh Kelly writes in Meaningful Life, that: “The privilege [...]