In the second blog in our series of Predictions for 2024, we are focusing on the intelligent blueprints of the leaders of the world’s superpowers, and what this analysis spells for geopolitics this year.

In our first article in this series, I analysed the numerical sequences of the main US presidential election players. Since then, I have been busy applying my unique Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) methodology to the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, China, India and Israel – decoding their number sequences and then mapping them onto a timeline matrix to reveal the likely events and mood of the year ahead for these individuals. I’ve also given my interpretation for how these results could change the course of political events for the world.

If you’re reading this fresh and you don’t understand what our Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) is, it’s useful for you to know that it is my unique formula – which I’ve spent decades developing through my maths obsession – which predicts seasonalities of a person’s life, and the likelihood of risk or success for a given year. More on this methodology here.

Human Futurology, 2024 Predictions, Future Trends, Human Futurism, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB), Personalized Predictions, Mathematical Analysis, Coding for Predictions, Unique Methodology, Birth Date Insights, Futuristic Analysis, Non-mainstream Predictions, Visionary Approach, Beyond Conventional Predictions, Human Potential, Predictions for 2024

Before I go into the individual leaders’ numbers, it’s important to understand two things. Firstly, my human futurology research rests on the premise that everything happens in cycles of 9. As I explained in our last blog, 2024 reduces down to 8 (2+0+2+4 = 8). So 2024 is the eighth year in a cycle of 9. The next cycle of 9 will begin in 2026.

Many of the significant events we will see in 2024 are manifestations of what has been building in the previous seven years, since 2017 (because 2017 = 2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1). So 2017 was the first year in a cycle of 9.

Given how chaotic our current cycle of 9 has been so far – with Brexit in 2016, Covid-19 in 2020, followed in 2022 by the Russian-Ukraine war and the resulting energy price rises, unfortunately my prediction for 2024 is that this negative string will continue.

Furthermore, 2024’s overarching ‘mood energy’ is also the number 8, which, according to numerology principles, means it will be dominated by earthly material matters such as money, trade, command and control, and the struggle for power, resources and land. If we apply this context to the status quo of global affairs, such as unrest in the middle east, and the high number of national elections this year, this ‘mood energy’ is cause for concern.

Secondly, it’s important to understand that countries also have a mathematical blueprint, as well as people. So that I can build a rounded perspective of how a leader’s IMB may influence their country, I also need to look at the numerical sequences and synchronicities of the country they lead. To do that, I take the baseline numbers according to its spelling, then attribute a number to the letter, where A = 1 and the 10th letter returns to 1 again.

Let’s look at the countries and leaders one by one, and you will see this formula in practice.


Human Futurology, 2024 Predictions, Future Trends, Human Futurism, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB), Personalized Predictions, Mathematical Analysis, Coding for Predictions, Unique Methodology, Birth Date Insights, Futuristic Analysis, Non-mainstream Predictions, Visionary Approach, Beyond Conventional Predictions, Human Potential, Predictions for 2024

R=9 U=3 S=1 S=1 I=9 A=1

9+3+1+1+9+1 = 24

2+4 = 6

Therefore Russia gives me a numerical sequence of 24//6. The 24 brings 2024 into play, and the 6 brings the year 2022 into play (because 2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6).

This means a critically important timeline for Russia is the three-year period 2022 to 2024. No further explanation needed to see why this rings so true. But let’s delve deeper into this.

Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24 February 2022 (24+2+2022 = 2048 = 2+0+4+8 = 14 = 1+4 = 5). This reduces down to the sequence: 14//5. In numerology, the number 5 signifies extreme lessons for humans to better understand the price for personal freedom and positive change.

Interestingly – or perhaps alarmingly – the dates of the start of the previous world wars reduce to the same number.

  • The first world war began when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on the 28th of July 1914 (28+7+1914 = 1949 = 1+9+4+9 = 23 = 2+3 = 5). Therefore we get the sequence 23//5.
  • The second world war began when Germany invaded Poland on the 1st of September 1939 (1+9+1939 = 1949 = 1+9+4+9 = 23 = 2+3 = 5). Therefore we get the sequence 23//5.

Now we understand the significance of the Russia-Ukraine war, let’s look at what the blueprint intelligence says about the risk profiles of the countries’ two leaders, Vladamir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Putin was born on 7 October 1952. This gives us a life path number (adding up his total date of birth) of 1,969, which in turn reduces down to 25. (1+9+6+9 = 25). Therefore a critical timeline for him is 2023 to 2025, with 2024 bang in the middle.

Second, his career attainment number (the sum of birth day and birth year) is 24, which gives me the sequence 24//6. When I build his IMB timeline, this sequence shows up from 2022 – 2024. Third, his personal attainment number (the sum of birth day and birth month) is 17, which reduces to 8. Thus, Putin will be spurred on through the construct of his intelligent mathematical blueprint, by the mood energy of the number 8 – command, control and land – to ruthlessly drive his personal agenda. Finally, the surname Putin totals 26 (P=7 + U=3m + T=2 + I=9 + N=5 = 26). This is his ‘spiritual vibration number’ and points to 2024 to 2026 as three years when his spiritual growth will be in full force.

For Zelenskyy, born on 25 of January 1978, his life path number adds up to 2004, which, when we cancel the two zeros, reduces to the number 24, making 2024 a lifepath critical year. His personal attainment number (the sum of birth day and birth month) is 26, bringing the timeline 2024 to 2026 again into focus. Finally, the year 1978, reveals his career sequence (different to career ‘attainment’ sequence) to be 1978//25//7. This in turn reveals critical career-related years to be 2023 to 2025.

So what do I interpret from this for geopolitics as a human futurologist?

Sequence 24//6 themes Zelenskyy‘s lifepath experience from 2024 to 2027. Because his unique lifepath sequence is 2004//6, these are some of the most important years of his entire life. What starts in 2024 carries on into 2027. Whilst 2024 will be challenging for him, come 2025, Zelenskyy has a favourable line of code presenting with personal physical and emotional attainments (numbers 8 and 1) aligning with a lifepath synchronicity (6). In 2028, his coding shows a significant new beginning – expressing both emotionally and professionally.This is an extremely positive signal and why I think it is so important that he be helped by Western allies like the US, UK, EU, and NATO.

Sequence 26//8 themes Putin’s life from 2020 through 2024 (remember the mood energy of the number 8?). As we see above, the name Putin also produces the sequence 26//8, revealing that these years have spiritual significance for him and that he is being driven to achieve something which calls to that drive.

However, these powerful years for Putin shift dramatically in the final quarter (Oct – Dec) of 2024. In 2025, we see sequence 18//9 take over to 2028. The line of code for Putin in 2025 is negative with challenging, antagonistic numbers colliding in a manner that reveals things will no longer go his way. In 2026, there is a dramatic ending for him, visible through a double 9 presenting on a personal and physical level.

Putin’s intelligent mathematical blueprint reveals that as 2024 closes out, he becomes weak and vulnerable. This serves as an opportunity for western allies to strike against him but should be done strategically, since there are also those within Russia who desire to see him toppled. And, because Russia and Putin still pose the threat of a wounded animal and when backed into a corner, could be an extremely dangerous and hugely unpredictable adversary.


Human Futurology, 2024 Predictions, Future Trends, Human Futurism, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB), Personalized Predictions, Mathematical Analysis, Coding for Predictions, Unique Methodology, Birth Date Insights, Futuristic Analysis, Non-mainstream Predictions, Visionary Approach, Beyond Conventional Predictions, Human Potential, Predictions for 2024

C=3 H=8 I=9 N=5 A=1

3+8+9+5+1 = 26

2+6 = 8

Therefore China gives me the sequence 26//8. The 26 brings the year 2026 into play, and the 8 brings the year 2024 into play (because 2+0+2+4 = 8).

This means a critically important timeline for China is the three-year period from 2024 to 2026. Given the on-going concerns that China may make an aggressive move on Taiwan, this does raise alarm bells for me. If that were the case, the West would have no other option than to become directly involved. Remember, 2024 is a number 8 universal year and the mood of 8 is all about power, command, control, authority, ownership, material matters, and – being an earth number – land.

Another warning sign for me, is how powerful the China-Russia-led BRICS alliance has become of late. BRICS, an economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, was formed on the 16th of June 2009 to challenge the political and economic power of the wealthier nations of North America and Western Europe. If we analyse the name BRICS (B=2 I=9 R=9 C=3 S=1), we find that it totals 24, which yet again, brings this year, 2024 into the frame.

It is very possible that this year, BRICS could up their game to dent the economies of the West. If that is the case, my guess would be that it makes an aggressive move on the American petro-dollar, by waiving the current protocol that oil traded within the BRICS alliance can only be paid for only in dollars.

Now let’s look at the leader of China. A careful study of the IMB of Xi Jinping, shows the sequence 18//9 themes his life during the eight years from 2019 to 2026. The importance of sequence 18//9 is that it is Xi’s career sequence. I always calculate a career sequence as a breakdown of the birth year, as follows:

1953: 1+9+5+3 = 18

1+8 = 9

Therefore we have a sequence of 18//9. During the period mentioned above where this sequence features, the moment of highest ‘career-related risk’ presents itself during Q3 of 2025. This also feeds into my concerns that the West will face an extreme onslaught from China during the years 2024 and 2025. Especially when you consider the many media reports saying that China has made no secret of its desire to create an entirely new world order, and has been busy developing its electronic surveillance capabilities.


Human Futurology, 2024 Predictions, Future Trends, Human Futurism, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB), Personalized Predictions, Mathematical Analysis, Coding for Predictions, Unique Methodology, Birth Date Insights, Futuristic Analysis, Non-mainstream Predictions, Visionary Approach, Beyond Conventional Predictions, Human Potential, Predictions for 2024

I=9 N=5 D=4 I=9 A=1

9+5+4+9+1 = 28

2+8 = 10

1+0 = 1

Therefore, India produces the sequence 28//1. This means a critically important timeline for India will be the three years spanning 2026 (because 2+2+6 = 10 = 1) to 2028.

Now consider that India’s Prime Minister, Narenda Modi, is directly affected by the number 8 energy of 2024 because he is born on the 17th of the month (1+7 = 8).

When I built his IMB, based on his birthdate of 17 September 1950, it revealed that in 2023, he entered a critical career time-frame which lasts through to 2026. His personal attainment sequence is 26//8, which brings the timeline 2024 to 2026 into frame.

What is also interesting is that on Modi’s life timeline matrix, which I map when building an IMB, 2024 shows up as a year of intense expression. I get this data by matching up a few different clues. Firstly, by decoding his full name – Narenda Damodardas Modi – it reduces down to the sequence 97//16//7. This is known as his ‘birth name expression number’, which indicates how he expresses himself in the world. According to numerology principles, the number 7 is logical, intelligent, calculating, strategic and detached. But the dark characteristics to the number 7 is that it is difficult to read and therefore unpredictable. Then, when mapping out his full life timeline, I see that 2024 is powered by a double 7. This means we can expect leadership fireworks during 2024. Particularly during the second half of the year, or more precisely, the final quarter (October to December).

Given how closely India is aligned to China and Russia through BRICS, this also supports my suspicions that the West faces big challenges from these countries.


Human Futurology, 2024 Predictions, Future Trends, Human Futurism, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB), Personalized Predictions, Mathematical Analysis, Coding for Predictions, Unique Methodology, Birth Date Insights, Futuristic Analysis, Non-mainstream Predictions, Visionary Approach, Beyond Conventional Predictions, Human Potential, Predictions for 2024

I=9 S=1 R=9 A=1 E=5 L=3

9+1+9+1+5+3 = 28

2+8 = 10

1+0 = 1

Therefore Israel produces a sequence of 28//1. Like India, a critically important timeline for Israel is 2026 to 2028.

Now let’s look at the IMB of its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, whose birth date is 21 October 1949. His sequence for his career attainment (birth day plus birth year) is reduced down to: 1970//17//8.

Because of the 8 at the end of this sequence, this means he will be directly affected by the number eight mood energy of 2024, described above. It also reveals that the period 2024 to 2026 are critical career-related years for him.

His life timeline also shows that the years 2023 and 2024 are themed around sequence 10//1, which indicates a new beginning. This number one energy calls for brave and powerful leadership.

The years 2025 and 2026 for him are themed by sequence 6//6. The significance of this is that during these two years, he will express himself at maximum intensity and have a pinnacle experience from 2024 through to 2026. The number 6 is Netanyahu’s expression number (The total number of all the letters in his full name.) “Benjamin = 2+5+5+1+1+4+9+5 = 32). “Netanyahu” = 5+5+2+1+5+7+1+8+3 = 37). 32+37 = 69.

This produces the sequence 69//15//6. The number 6, in numerology, carries the energy of community, responsibility, relationships and matters of the heart. So this indicates to me that during these two years he will be expressing himself with the goal of maximum protection for his country.

From this, my best guess is that any neighbouring state choosing to attack Israel will be dealt with by Netanyahu in the same manner as Hamas has. Given the likelihood of this happening because of escalation in the region, Israel is sure to experience a highly threatening period until the end of 2026.

If you are interested in having your unique IMB built and analysed to achieve personal or career goals, get in touch.

Images from Depositphotos


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