What does the Future hold for Klaus Schwab?

Face it, the world is in a state of absolute chaos. International relations are strained to breaking point and countries everywhere are in a more divided place (hard left versus hard right) than ever before. Global market meltdowns loom as does the conversion of society from hard cash (cash gives us choices and independence and cannot be completely controlled by tax-mad governments) to cryptocurrencies (through which we will be massively controlled and rendered totally dependent on governing structures). Are the likes of the WEF’s Klaus Schwab moving us forward pragmatically or are we headed backwards into the darkest of times where our independence and mental sovereignty will be cynically eroded through a one global government command and control system? How happy will be if we own nothing, and if we move to a world where we own nothing, then who will own it all?

Chris and Suzanne Styles, two UK based applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, set about trying to answer this because they know from their years of applied human futurology case study research, that within his bespoke Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB] lie numerical codes that will reveal all… 8-Dimensional Life Path Mapping: To decipher his IMB, Schwab’s full birth name and date of birth are analysed and these datapoints and many others too, are then loaded into Chris and Suzanne’s 8-Dimensional Life Path Predictive Model which in turn, delivers incredibly detailed lines of annual experience codes that give important strategic insights into the shape of Klaus Schwab’s life over the next couple of years.

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.

The Great Reset

One of the greatest threats posed to our collective independence comes in the form of The Great Reset whose architect, Klaus Schwab, was born on the 30th of March 1938 [30//3; 3//3; 1938//21//3; LFP 1980//18//9; Shadow LFP 18//9; Sun Attainment master number 33//6]. If you are deeply concerned about what future holds for the democratic independence of humanity, and you should be, then you might be interested to know what the future holds for Schwab and whether his The Great Reset comes to fruition or not. THE GREAT RESET has as its essence number, the No7: THE: 2+8+5 [15//6]; GREAT: 7+9+5+1+2 [24//6]; RESET: 9+5+1+5+2 [22//4]; 15+24+22 = 61//7 [!!Note the No7 synchronicity because 2023 (2023=2+0+2+3=7) is a No7 universal year!!]

The Great Reset is a new initiative from the World Economic Forum and HRH the Prince of Wales to guide decision-makers on the path to a more resilient, sustainable world beyond coronavirus. The economic fallout from COVID-19 dominates risk perceptions, but there is a unique opportunity to reshape the global economy.

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Who is Klaus Schwab?

Professor Klaus Schwab was born in Ravensburg, Germany in 1938. He is Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. He founded the Forum in 1971 [ponder on this incredible synchronicity: Schwab DOB: 30 March 1938: 30+3+1938 = 1971; 1971 was Klaus Schwab’s Karmic Year], the same year in which he published Moderne Unternehmensführung im Maschinenbau (Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering). In that book, he argued that the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders (die Interessenten), to achieve long-term growth and prosperity. Schwab has championed the multistakeholder concept since the Forum’s inception, and it has become the world’s foremost platform for public and private cooperation.

There won’t be many among the 7.7 billion people on Earth who haven’t been affected in some way by COVID-19. From sickness and the death of loved ones to work shortages and school closures, the pandemic’s ramifications have touched every part of society – and thrown inequalities into sharp relief. As lockdowns are starting to ease, governments and organizations across the globe are turning their attention to the recovery process – and the opportunity it provides to rebuild in a different way. One that makes the world better for everyone and addresses the other great crisis of our time: climate change. The Great Reset

An engineer and economist by training, Professor Klaus Schwab holds doctorates in Economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Fribourg, in Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and a Masters of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In 1972 he became one of the youngest professors on the faculty of the University of Geneva. He has received numerous international and national honours. During the course of his wide-ranging career, Schwab has received numerous honours. He holds 17 honorary doctorates, and national medals of honour, including the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun of Japan, the Grand Cross with Star of the National Order of Germany and the Knight of the Légion d’Honneur of France. He was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth II – Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG).

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab – His birth name

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Three Karmic Lesson in play for Schwab

This inclusion table reveals Klaus Schwab to have THREE karmic lessons, pertaining to the numbers 5 [change, personal freedom, the human experience as lived through the 5 senses; year 2021//5], 6 [family, relationships, responsibility, community, loyalty; year 2022//6] and 7 [analytics, logic, research, data, clinical decision making, emotionally detached; year 2023//7]. The numbers 5 and 7 (circled in RED) are his extreme karmic lessons. How do we know this? Because 5 and 7 are entirely absent from his full birth name, and they are entirely absent from his Human Futurology birth chart (see Schwab’s date of birth chart below)! The number 6 does present in his birth chart, three times, within his 365 Pin Code shadow (i.e., hidden) blueprint.

Schwab has a Subconscious Self No6

Schwab’s three karmic lessons reveal he has a Number 6 subconscious self. This means what? It signals that Shwab is a humanitarian at heart. He likes to do something for the welfare of others, in the process, sometimes neglecting his own needs and desires. He is a naturally responsible person who needs the love and affection of family and friends to succeed in life. He gets tremendous satisfaction from helping others. As well-meaning as the No6 lightworker vibration is, it can, as a result of much tremendous disappointment in others, turn very dark. When this happens, the SCS6 individual completely loses faith in the ability of people to make their own decisions and look after themselves, and then assumes a God-Like complex believing that its way [The Klaus Schwab way? The Great Reset way?] is the ONLY way through which others [“lesser mortals”] can manage to survive.

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

His No1 Hidden Passion reveals his NEED for REWARD and RECOGNITION

Klaus Schwab’s hidden passion is the Number 1, which is all about drive, ambition, glory, winning (at all costs especially where there is a massively overdeveloped ego!), leadership, attainment, being in the limelight and most importantly, reward and recognition. This No1 energy is found in the name by which he meets and greets the world daily, Klaus [10//1]. This essence of leadership and masculinity vibrating so powerfully within his name, is offset by his surname, Schwab [20//2] which being the essence of femininity [No2 energy synchs with diplomacy, nurturing, teamwork, patience, cooperation, collaboration etc.] brings the polar-opposite of No1 energy into play, balancing it out if you will. Klaus Schwab [10+20 = 30; 30//3 his call name expression number, 3 being the essence of creativity] is the imaginative, creative, self-expressive, communicator, but, know and remember this, there is a hard edge, project-management side to the No3. 3 is a fire-energy and therefore much as it loves the sound of its own voice and thrives on being centre-stage, it wants to see that things are getting done and results forthcoming. Where this is not the case, the No3 will whip the necessary circumstances into place to drive home the desired agenda. Schwab’s primary expression number is 60//6. What is important for you to note, numerical blueprint wise, is that critically important numbers within Schwab’s applied numerology occur as 10’s – 10 [Klaus 10//1], 20 [Schwab 20//2], 30 [Martin 30//3; call name expression number], 60 [primary expression number 60//6] etc. The number zero, is an amplification factor, massively exacerbating the traits of the number it is associated with. Therefore, for example, where the No1 synchs with the need to be an original creation, to be in a leadership role, to win, the egregious ego and the desire for be recognised, the zero of 10 will dramatically amplify all the innate desires of the No1. Similarly for 2, 3, 6 etc. The most important name based AHA-moment for you to absorb and internalise in terms of this applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab exercise, is that he has an extremeness [you connect the dots] about him.

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab – His 2022 date of birth chart

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

His life path journey is themed by 18//9

Born 30th March 1938 [30+3+1938=1971 =1+9+7+1=18 [The Moon] =1+8= 9; 1971//18//9] gives him a 1971//18//9 [TKS-LFP] physical life path sequence [calculate your unique sequence]. The correct way to interpret how the No18 functions, is that it is the No8 [CONTROL, money, power, wealth, status, organising, legacy, karma as in the struggle around material vs spiritual balance etc.] operating through the No1 [traits already clarified in above content] in such a way that it delivers against the lightworker objectives of the No9 [humanity, philanthropy, serving others, forgiveness etc.]. Thing about the No9 vibration or energy is, because it such an intelligent number given that all the other numbers, 1 through 8, exist within it, it has the uncanny ability to literally morph, or shapeshift, into whatever it needs to be in any given situation to extract maximum gain. Therefore, just as the No9 has the most incredible ability to help and heal people [through brilliant matching and mirroring etc.] it’s also a very dangerous and devious energy because it can easily control others in a most cynical way, easily convincing them that it is 100% percent on-board with their idea / agenda, when in fact, it is strategically moving them around the chessboard of like a pawn and the best thing is, they have absolutely no idea that this is happening! Note that Schwab’s shadow life path sequence [TSS-LFP] is also 18//9. It is extremely rare to have identical physical [TKS-LFP] and shadow life path number sequences, again talking to his human futurology blueprint being a most extreme one!

Master Number 33//6 – The Master Teacher

His Sun or Personal Attainment Number [top left of chart] is the extremely rare master number 33 [BirthDD + BirthMM: 30+3 = 33//6]. The No33 is the most influential of all numbers; it combines the master number 11 [MN11: The Master Intuitive / Visionary] and the master number 22 [MN22: The Master Builder] boosting their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the MN33 lacks personal ambition [is the case with Klaus Schwab? If not, then he is leveraging his incredibly powerful human blueprint from the dark side… You decide…] and instead focuses its considerable ability on the spiritual uplifting of humanity. What makes the MN33 especially impressive, is its high level of sincere devotion [Schwab?].” Now, note the construct of the MN33, 2x3s [self-expression, communication, creativity, love to talk and be in the limelight of centre stage etc.]. This double 3, feeding into his attainment desire, synchs with ALL the 3 that feature above the line [his physical or visible construct]. BirthDD: 30//3; BirthMM: 3 [March]; BirthYYYY: 1938//21//3 – hence the 3x3s in the yellow (above the line) blocks. In the case of Schwab’s MN33, note that 33//6 synchs with 2022//6, therefore his personal attainment goals are directly in frame, energetically, this year!

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Too much of a good thing is disastrous…

What does this reveal? Schwab is a firebrand and having so many 3’s brings in an unbalanced numerical situation with the most likely upshot of this being that he absolutely must get his own way [the VERY dark side of the 3] and will stop at nothing to ensure this happens. Whenever there is an overabundance of a certain number, for example, 2022, a year which has 3x2s and 1×0 (further amplification of the 3x’s2, explaining why 2022 will be such a disastrous year of extreme international emotional upheaval!) it reveals an unstable or unbalanced numerical construct. This is never a good thing.

Under ALL his 3’s lies an abundance of emotional 6s

If you carefully study Schwab’s birth chart above, you will see that underneath his 3x3s in the yellow blocks, lie 3x6s in the dark grey blocks. His shadow or emotional 365 pin code is therefore defined by the number 6, which has at its core, matters of the heart, family, relationships, responsibility, love, community, loyalty etc. One six or maybe two existing within the shadow side of a chart is acceptable, but three 6s, well that’s entirely another story and most likely results in the study subject living its life mostly through the darker side of the number rather than the lighter, positive one. Within the dark side of the No6 lurks jealousy, control, emotional instability and the autocratic dictator who will not tolerate being questioned nor challenged. 2022 [2022 = 2+0+2+2=6] is a number 6 universal year and therefore has a natural synchronicity with ALL of Schwab’s 6s, which means, that this is the year when his shadow side will be massively in play. Given this, whatever lurks beneath the shadowy world of World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab and, is ready to erupt from the darkness (where it is invisible) out into the light (the open, where it is visible), 2022 is the year that this will happen, guaranteed. Be warned and observe carefully, especially from June [6th month of 2022] onwards. Earlier we analysed the vibrational essence of The Great Reset and revealed it to be 61//7, which brings 2023 [a number 7 universal year into frame]. 2022 is THE YEAR when The Great Reset is being shunted into place through carefully chosen international means [financial chaos? vaccination confusion? explosion of left-wing and right-wing extremism? market meltdowns? mind shocking wars?] all of which, through extreme fear-based media exposure is meant to pulverise what is left of our post Covid-19 mental sovereignty into believing that whatever the New World Order puts into place post 2022, is for our explicit “wellbeing.”

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

What if we are just mere datapoints in a cosmically curious experiment?

Truth is, this is not the case. Its cynically orchestrated intention is to cleverly place us in an extremely controlled environment where we must do as we are told by the colluding governments that are in power, else we will be severely penalised. This is what the church narcissistically achieved for centuries – the clergy kept people fearful and dumb – however as people’s mind opened and they began to question the church and its religious doctrines, they realised that all was not as it appeared.

“Everything you are looking for answer wise, success strategy wise, personal risk management wise, authentic-self wise, sits within your numbers. Thing is, how do you access your bespoke matrix of numerical intelligence? Through numerology… Not conventional numerology, or everyday numerology, I am talking Strategic Applied Numerology which is totally next level! Tragedy is, less than a handful of practising numerologists today know how to strategically unpack and intelligently model your numbers. I do.” Chris Styles

Take for example, the massive amount of Human Futurology research work that has been done since 2017, which reveals that everyone of us has an Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB: US billionaire and founder of Blackstone, Steve Schwarzman], wherein is hardcoded, ALL of our lifepath’s experiences (births, deaths, success, failures, accidents etc.). Are you telling us, as two applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, that the existence of the IMB has not been known before now?

Maybe it has been known for ages, but been kept secret by the “powers that be” because they believe it would be too much for humanity [Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49//13//4 – karmic 13 – Rebirth] to embrace the shocking truth that our lives are not random, that each of us is in fact a carefully constructed intelligent datapoint feeding back experiential detail into a curious cosmic experiment that is using us to further its own research ends around learning and understanding more about human nature?

“Give us your key pieces of information, that which we require to run our intelligent and fully integrated 8D human futurology insight models, and we’ll probably be able tell you more about yourself than you are aware of right now. Armed with these past, present and future strategic insights, just think what you will be capable of achieving – just think what a difference you will make!” – Suzanne and Chris Styles, Human Futurologists

Pythagoras Birth Square of Klaus Schwab

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Isolated No3 – exacerbates his No3 traits (fiery ways) – again. Isolated No1 – exacerbates his No1 traits (winning, recognition etc.) again. See the very extreme nature of this man’s Grand Organised Design? Arrow of Frustration – lifelong emotional lessons around the importance of understanding that people must be allowed to live the lives, unhindered, unopposed. Not your circus and not your monkeys Klaus, never has been and never will be!

Having meticulously unpacked his full birth name and date of birth, we now tie these datapoints together, along with other critically ones, to model his lifepath – this gives us (and you!) clear insights into what the future has in store for Klaus Schwab and other Great Reset / NWO leaders, because if the future is bleak for him, so too will it be for them!

“The more we think about how to harness the technology revolution, the more we will examine ourselves and the underlying social models that these technologies embody and enable, and the more we will have an opportunity to shape the revolution in a manner that improves the state of the world.” Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: What does the future have in store for him?

View A: 365 Pin Code Human Futurology Life Path modelled detail for Klaus Martin Schwab

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

The Karmic Numbers are 13//4, 14//5, 16//7 and 19//1. When these karmic numbers are in play, as per your bespoke Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint’s life path design, these are your years of karmic comeuppance. Where karmic numbers are also your karmic lessons (for example, 5 and 7 were identified in the full birth name analysis table of Klaus Schwab as TWO of his THREE karmic lessons), then these moments of comeuppance will be massively amplified experiences. Whenever you think of the word ‘karma’ please understand that it signals a result, an outcome! Therefore, during karmic number driven years, what is happening, is that as you have sown so are you reaping – hence The Law of Karma, which also known as The Law of Cause and Effect.

Look at the column of RED Annual Experience Numbers [AENs] defining or theming Klaus Schwab’s life path from 2023 to 2029 [7 years in total]. They are all karmic numbers, 14//5 (brings Schwab’s No5 karmic lesson into frame) then 16//7 (brings Schwab’s No7 karmic lesson into frame) and then again 14//5 (amplified repeat of his first 14//5 lesson). Schwab’s concentrated [as in ONE year only] karmic 14//5 lesson in 2023, talks to his experiencing much change, negatively so, because 13//4 and 14//5 [red block] are hugely antagonistic numbers and as such, they do NOT gel well together. This number combination immediately signals to the skilled human futurist, that much trouble is headed Klaus Shwab’s way, coming to a head if you will in H2 and Q4 of 2023. Then, note how karmic AEN 16//7 [The Tower] defines his life path journey from 2024 through to 2026. The 16//7 and 11//2 combination in 2024 [red block] signals much anxiety and introspection. In 2026, his double 7 [red block] and 16//7 4//4 [red block] signal the worst of times – there is no worse combination that 7&4 personal emotional because it heralds the complete collapse or implosion of your world. His 2027 to 2029 are defined by karmic AEN 14//5 which again, talks to his having to navigate three years of adverse change and loss of personal freedom. His double 5 [red block] in 2027 signals massive emotional change and the complete inability to adapt to whatever is being landed in his world that year.

Entrepreneurship is the engine fuelling innovation, employment generation and economic growth. Only by creating an environment where entrepreneur- ship can prosper and where entrepreneurs can try new ideas and empower others can we ensure that many of the world’s issues will not go unaddressed. Klaus Schwab

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

If Schwab were to go down to the woods today, he’s in for a BIG SURPRISE!

If Schwab and Co. think that The Great Reset and the landing of The New World is going to be an easy, seamless, affair, they are sorely mistaken. His numbers show complete chaos from 2023 through to end of 2029, so much so, that the probability of his one world, one government, one control centre for mankind, goes up in smoke, so much so that he [and other New World Order instigators like President Obama, George Soros and Bill Gates – please see what BO’s, GS’s and BG’s life path data tables reveal at the very end of this research case study] are held personally accountable for what they attempted to force upon humanity, command control wise.

View B: 365 Pin Code Human Futurology Life Path modelled detail for Klaus Schwab

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

In view B, which is the datamatrix that emerges after the modelling exercise using just his daily call name, Klaus Schwab, we see TWO very significant year emerging, these being 2023 (2023//7 is the 7th year of this 9-year universal cycle which ends in 2025//9) and 2027 (2027//11//2 – a master number 11 year which is the 2nd year of the next 9-year universal cycle, beginning in 2026//10//1 and ending in 2034//9). Remember earlier we revealed to you in his birth chart that Klaus Schwab has a No9 life path and shadow life path number. 2023 sees his life path number 9 brought into play in a concentrated format – it does not ever get more extreme than this, experience wise! Do you see that his 2023 AEN9//9 combines with karmic 13//4 (signals that it is back to earth with a huge bump!) and 10//1 (endings [9] and beginnings [1]). This awful data sequence reveals a most unpleasant life path significant experience for Schwab, which add further fuel to our strategic notion, that things are most definitely not going to go his way. Whatever his master plan is, things are going to go terribly wrong, and it is going to meet with extreme resistance. This push-back will cause Schwab (and his cronies!) tremendous consternation because he / they will suddenly realise that the only feasible option left is to literally HAMMER home the plan, ruthlessly and relentlessly so! This is why we have stated in research articles and YouTube interviews with Elevated Planet, that right now, we are in a DARK CYCLE OF 9 (started 2017//10//1, ends 2025//9) but that all this darkness begins to be overturned come 2026//10//1.

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

When things start to go wrong, they go horribly wrong!

But, this approach is not going to work, hence the anxiety fuelled string of 11//2s that theme his life from 2024 to 2026. Then, in 2027, Schwab again has a concentrated life path experience, with 9//9 physically combining with 17//8 (this always signals a dramatic shift) and emotionally with 14//5. Again, this is a disastrous combination and in our informed opinion signals the moment when whatever it is that the global leaders behind The Great Reset and the New World Order have tried to land with and through him, is comprehensively crushed. Is this because the return of Donald Trump as POTUS in 2025 sees their game plan being totally scuppered [if you doubt this, please see the supporting evidence of DT’s return in our politically insightful 365 Pin Code Tweets]?


In the opening paragraph of this detailed case study, we asked whether through global control initiatives like The Great Reset, driven by the New World Order, we as humanity, are moving forward intelligently, or headed backwards into the darkest of times during which numerous sadistic efforts will be launched to control and erode our independence and mental sovereignty? From the information presented, we believe it is quite clear that despite many desperate attempts made over the next few years by Schwab and Co. to force The Great Reset into place, this will fail dismally, and that with this astonishing failure, those political and business leaders who are behind this sordid “command and control humanity” exercise will face dire consequences between now [2022] and 2029/2030.

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: Look at the years of karmic chaos and emotional upheaval (11//2) awaiting Barack Obama, POTUS No44

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Just look at the karmic chaos awaiting Barack Obama, from 2023, when all hell breaks lose through karmic 16//7 (especially 16//7 aligning with 13//4, personally emotionally, in 2023) through to a devastating concentrated karmic 13//4 in 2027 and another awful karmic 16//7 in 2031 and 2032, followed by anxiety fuelled 2033 and 2034. His concentrated 18//9 experience in 2025 talks to terrible endings (remember, we have provided hard evidence that Trump wins again in 2024, which places him in power in 2025!). Bad, bad years ahead for Obama and The Democrats…

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: Look at the Karmic 16//7 chaos awaiting US billionaire George Soros!

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Just look at what awaits George Soros, birth name, Gyorgy Schwartz, from this year, 2022 (7&4 colliding personally emotional – the VERY WORST number combination to have to experience!) right through to 2029. During these years, Soros’s TOWER, collapses, completely. Watch this space!

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: Look at the Karmic 16//7 chaos awaiting US billionaire Bill Gates!

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Here is another billionaire whose life is on the verge of complete collapse. Bill Gates has a Master Number 22 life path. We mapped his life path from birth to age 100, and the MN22 occurs only once as his life path AEN, and this is in 2029 and 2030. Thing is, with the master number 22//4 life path, if he has through cynical means [Vaccinations? Big pharma?] enriched himself at the expense of other, when his life path number appears [2029 & 2030] this signals the complete collapse of his world because this is his moment of karmic comeuppance, hardcoded.

What is very interesting to note, is that Gate’s world starts to come apart in 2026 through a concentrated karmic 14//5 experience. Then, two years later in 2028 [2028//13//4 – 13 is the karmic octave of 22, both having essence No4], things unravel even further, bringing a massive new emotional beginning [red block connecting the 1s in his 2028 data string]. By 2029 and 2030 it is game over, thanks for playing, for Gates, with the three years that follow, again being themed by karmic 19//1, which is holding him to account for everything that he did, as a powerful world leader.

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: Here’s how we know Donald Trump wins the 2024 US Election!

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: Look at the 22//4 career attainment chaos Hillary Diane Rodham (Clinton) faces from 2023 to 2025!

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s life path view [HDR modelled] reveals much chaos, career / profession wise from 2023 to 2025, with master number 22 [her career or professional attainment number: 26+1947 = 1957//22//4] defining her life during those years. Post these three massively challenging years, she faces a concentrated No2 karmic lesson experience in 2026. This is when she is having to pay the price for having been the power and driving force behind the throne. Then there is a negative double 3 [HDR life path! 21//3] experience lined up for her in 2028 [2028//12//3 universal year; see HDR’s No3 LFP synchronicity?] which signals a time of loss of joy, freedom and the inability to creatively express herself. Surely this is further evidence revealing the cataclysmic collapse of The Democrats?

Applied Futurists analysing Klaus Schwab: Look at the 2023 secrecy and Karmic 16//7 chaos [2030-2033] in the life of Dr Anthony Fauci (makes you think, doesn’t it?)

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton, Dr Anthony Fauci

Dr Anthony Fauci [he needs no introduction – Covid-19 lockdown King] has a No23//5 life path [DOB: 24.12.1940 = 24+12+1940 = 1976 = 1+9+7+6 = 23//5; 1976//23//5]. His hidden passion is No7 [logic, analytics, research, data, curious – dark side of 7 is clinical, pre-meditated, secrecy!]. Look at how things start to go terribly pear-shaped for Fauci in 2022 [the Double 7 RED blocks]. His 2022 nightmare is then followed by four [2024-2027] life path number [23//5] themed years! These pure life path octave years are always the most significant ones of our life, because they are the years that shape the next phase of what awaits us. Look at how Fauci’s world implodes through karmic 16//7 from 2030 to 2033, with 9-11 following in concentrated format in 2034. Watch this space folks! If Dr Fauci has been spearheading the Covid-19 pandemic panic to help drive home a deeply secretive global command and control agenda, an agenda that we the global population of the world have been kept ignorant of, then 2022 is THE YEAR when his handling of this pandemic will come under fire. Fauci’s No7 Hidden Passion synchronises with 2023, a No7 universal year. Remember this: whatever the Secret 7 of Fauci has been up to will be exposed in 2023, a No7 year; 7 on 7. That’s how simple it is, because that one of the Laws of Human Futurology.

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applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

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applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Image by Ria Sopala from Pixabay

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

applied futurists analysing Klaus Schwab, applied futurology, human futurology, futurology research, numerology Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, New World Order, numerology Barack Obama, numerology George Soros, numerology Hillary Clinton

Image by Marco Schroeder from Pixabay


  1. Christy 15/10/2023 at 15:29

    Very fascinating! It appears Schwab can very well be the 666 person. Do you do private readings? I believe numbers are God’s design.

    • Suzanne 22/10/2023 at 16:47

      Hi Christy,
      Yes we do do pirvate IMB readings. Pop us an email from the contact page.

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